Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You Don't Have to Wonder Anymore...

In case you were wondering, I wear size 10.5... 11 though most of the time cause most people don't make 10.5.

This is why my room is full of Zappos boxes:

I bought a new pair of running shoes b/c my asics were hurting my feet. Asics are great, but I think they are more for people with narrow-normal feet. I'm a little bit wider footed and Nike's tend to be wider. I should have never strayed from my brand...

Anyway, let's not let the style of the shoes reflect my taste... I bought them for performance over style.

Alright, have a good weekend people!

New Kicks

I haven't bought shoes in a long time. Let's back up... I'm not a girly girl. I'm not into shoes or handbags really. I like one or two semi-expensive of each, and then I call it a day. Anyway, what I'm trying to get at is that I don't regularly buy shoes or handbags.

I made an exception this week. I've been eying Converse All-Stars ever since I saw Jacqueline on the Real Housewives of New Jersey wearing them. (Yes, I watch the show. I enjoy the drama, regardless of how stupid it is.) Anyway, they looked really good on her feet and she was wearing them with dark jeans, which I recently purchased one too many pairs of.

A quick trip to and a credit card, and I received these babies... and just one more thing... Zappos is awesome. They upgraded my 4-5 business day shipping into essentially overnight shipping.

Here they are:
A few things to note about this particular shoe. I didn't go with the regular converse all-stars even though the back of the shoe looks better. As you see in the picture, the top shoe lace holes are red. This is the special red edition of Chuck Taylors, which a portion will be donated to feed people in Africa. Because of the cause, I went this this pair rather than the original black ones.

Monday, June 22, 2009

How I Spent My Day...

Today was terrible.

10am in the morning my laptop crashes... this is my second laptop of law school. I have no intention of buying a 3rd.

The rest of the day was spent constantly restarting, trying to back up stuff, and eventually reformatting and reinstalling every program.

In case you can't see it, the screen says 49 updates.

I'm still missing programs, but it's running well enough, so I'm not going to tamper with it anymore.

All-in-all I finished fixing my computer at 8pm. Awesome huh?

Yay. Hope your day was better spent.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Best Part of "Cribs"...

The best part of the show "Cribs" on MTV is when the celebs show their fridge. So I decided to do a post showing my fridge!

Here we go:
As you can see, we have a lot of condiments. I like having a variety of things.

Top shelf:
So on the top shelf there is Smart balance butter, half a container of frosting left over from the now famous cookie monster cupcakes, red grapes, chocolate pudding cups, jack cheese, and a giant brioche that's over a week old from 85 Degrees in Irvine.

Second shelf:
Spinach, a jug of maple syrup that is not mine, Celery in the tupperware container, cream cheese that is not mine under that, a salad pack that is probably expired, a bag of lettuce, a 1/6 of a cabbage, potato bread (i know i should eat weat, but i got tired of wheat) and 13 eggs.

Bottom shelf:
Cheese in the cheese drawer, the thing on the left is the terrible peach strawberry pie i attempted = fail, brita water filter, and a bag of lemon's from my parent's house. Btw, if anyone wants lemons, I seriously don't want them...

I'm just going to end this post here. It's late and I have a headache...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hi Pie!

Ok, so I probably should have posted this on March 14th, but that's a long time away - several months from now, in fact, that I'm just going to post this here and now.

So by now I'm sure a lot of you knew I went to Julian, CA on Sunday. But we had one specific goal in going to Julian. It was one of two purposes for the entire trip....

The trip was for.... THE PIE.

Julian is an apple growing town. So of course they would be known for their apple pie! This is probably the most well know Pie place in Julian. Julian has several pie places... at least 4. Maybe 5. That doesn't sound like a lot, but considering Julian is literally one intersection, then that would be like 10% of the shops there.

I, being the rebel (rebel or just plain crazy, or crazy stupid) that I am, refused to get apple pie. Instead, I got strawberry rhubarb, and NOT a-la-mode:
Let me tell you... I totally.... regretted not getting apple pie.

Here is the apple pie a-la-mode:
I think this one is apple-peach pie with vanilla ice cream. They also have cinnamon ice cream, dutch apple pie, and the "natural" apple pie which has no sugar added.

I was totally jealous of my friend's apple-peach pie. But that's ok, you live and learn. Also, I've never had rhubarb before, so I was quite curious. I have decided though, that I'm not a fan. It is like mushy cherry pie. I would rather have cherry pie because I like the feeling of the cherries popping in my mouth.

In case you were wondering though, the pie did not live up to the hype. At least my pie didn't. The apple-peach pie was good, but not worth driving an hour away for.

One last quirk before I go - I never get pie a-la-mode because I don't think ice cream goes with pie. It's just a weird combination to me. I don't like warm things with cold ice cream. Speaking of ice cream, I also like my ice cream very plain.

Ok, no more babbling. Bye.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Okonomiyaki, Food of Champions...

I love Oknomiyaki. It's really like Japanese street food... not gourmet at all. If I see it on a Japanese restaurant menu, it becomes almost like a compulsion for me to order it. In lieu of having to go to a restaurant, Jen, Jen's Roommate (Shellyn, haha! haha) and I decided that we should make it. We've made it once before, and it was rather successful (or at least we thought so) so here we go again...

Here's the batter... you can buy it in a Japanese Market and then add fresh chopped cabbage and green onions.

This is the batter in case you've never seen it before. Excuse the lack of rotation.

Then you cook the meat. This is pork. Sorry it's sideways, I'm too lazy to try to rotate this and then upload it, so just turn your head sideways.

Shrimp also goes into the okonomiyaki.

Assembly step 1# Thin layer of batter with the cabbage already mixed in, then meat.

Assembly step #2: Add another thin later of battered cabbage on top.

I missed the pictures of Jen flipping this thing high in the air, so I'm just going to skip to the finale.

Here is the final product, decorated with okonomiyaki sauce, kewpie mayo, bento flakes, and seaweed flakes.

And just for kicks:

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pictures of MOST of My Apartment

So I think I've been promising everyone forever pictures of our apartment. Today, for the most part, I've decided I would take a picture of our apartment, messy or not. And since my roomie is not here this summer, you know all the mess is me.

So this is pretty much the view you get walking through the front door. The door on the right is my room door, the room in the top left corner is my roommate's room, and in the center is the living room. We are in a dual master room apartment.

I was trying to get a wider shot so you can see the layout. Kitchen next to bedroom #1, then living room, bedroom #2, bathroom #2, and laundry room.

Kitchen. Lots going on there.

Living room. We're not trying to be contemporary, minimal, we're just too lazy to buy furniture. Also, if we're going to move out in a year, it's pretty pointless to get lots of furniture. (Note the bookshelf is not ours, it's just crashing at our apartment. That's why there is nothing on it.)

The door to my room. We'll continue the tour of my room, bathroom, and the laundry room another time...

Anyway, that concludes the tour for now. You are welcome to come over and see how wonderful it is in person, if you'd like.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So sometimes I don't plan ahead very well...

Obviously, I suck at planning ahead, because if I could plan ahead, then every week I'd have at least one blog post. And that one blog post a week would not be screwed up like the last post. Trust me, it didn't go unnoticed by me how screwed up the formatting was... but anyway...

But what I'm really referring to is the whole buying a weeks worth of food in San Diego, and then two days later driving to OC and spending a weekend there. When I come back, food doesn't always look so friendly.

One example of this is my floppy, soggy celery:

You can't tell from the pictures maybe, but that celery is totally limp. It sat for an extended weekend in my fridge ignored. Luckily, celery is easily fixable!

To fix celery, all you need is a container with a lid, and some water:

I already kind of gave it away, but I'm going to continue anyway...

All you have to do is chop the celery, stuff it in the container:

Pour in the water:

Screw the lid ond stick it in the fridge for an hour.

After one hour, you can take it out, and it will be back to its crispy self! Towel it off and enjoy!

(Yes, you just read an entire post on celery. I hope you enjoyed it.)

What do you do when you don't want to read for class?

So it's Wednesday. I have class Tuesday-Thursday. I usually at this point have given up on reading for classes. Class assignments are far too long and far too boring. Plus, I know I can get by without reading. And by get by, I mean pass. But I'm reading for this summer school class. Why you ask? 1) Cold calling - this is when a professor uses his/her handy dandy seating chart with our pictures on it to call on people. Most professors don't do this. Some do. This one does. 2) This class is taught socratic method - so imagine being surprised called on and then continuously being asked why and led in circles. (You can tell how much I like the socratic method.)

So I was supposed to be doing this (sideways, but I'm too lazy to flip the picture):

Instead, I decided that it was high time I would poach an egg since I've never done it before, but honestly, it's easy, I knew I could do it... sort of.

All you need is an egg, a bowl, a pot of boiling water with a few tablespoons of vinegar, and something to stir the pot with.

Why do you need a bowl? Well, you could crack the egg straight into the water, but you need to insure that you don't break the yolk and that you don't get any shell in it. So you could omit the bowl if you want, but I decided to just use it.

Anyway, once the water boils, take a spoon or something to stir the water, drop the egg in, stop stirring, and leave it for 2-3 minutes.

Here is the finished product. I did two, but only ate one because one turned out to be not fully cooked on one side, and cooked on the other side. Yes, it was a weird egg...

So you can eat that with just a piece of toast or something, but I decided to make a mock eggs benedict. I toasted a piece of wheat bread, put some turkey slices (I don't like ham or Canadian Bacon), and then put the egg on top.

Because I was lazy and don't have a proper blender to make a hollandaise sauce (plus I didn't have any butter on hand, I decided to forego that step and just went for simple salt and pepper:

In case you were wondering, I buy this turkey when I go to the regular grocery stores. I like it because it's perfectly portion controlled and only 90 cals, it says so on the pack!:

This concludes my post on how I wasted an hour today that I could have spent studying.

The End.